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Wake Up and Fight: End Yulin’s Cruelty

In the shadow of Yulin’s cries,

Where dogs and cats face cruel demise,

A week of torment, pain, and fear,

Echoes loud, but do we hear?

Exploitation’s roots run deep,

In every heart that fails to weep,

For voiceless souls, in chains confined,

Their suffering etched in humankind.

How can we, with hearts so vast,

Believe our role is to outlast

By torture’s hand, by cruel decree,

Inflicting pain on those not free?

The answer lies within our grasp,

To end this cruel, unyielding clasp.

Humanity, it’s time to see,

The power lies with you and me.

Shake yourself, recall your core,

Compassionate, as never before.

I walked this path, I found my way,

Embraced a vegan life to stay.

Not born this way, but learned to be,

To see the world through empathy.

My anxious heart found peace anew,

In knowing love in all we do.

For every creature, great and small,

We hold the power, we make the call.

To end the pain, to stop the fight,

To stand for what we know is right.

Veganism, a path to mend,

The broken bonds, the hearts to tend.

My panic fades, but sorrow stays,

For those who suffer in these days.

Yet hope persists, within my mind,

That we can leave this cruel behind.

A world where kindness leads the way,

Where love and justice win the day.

This poem is about the horrific Yulin Dog Meat Festival in China, where innocent animals are tortured and killed for human consumption. It’s a call to action to end not just this specific atrocity but all forms of animal abuse perpetuated by the meat, egg, and dairy industries.

Fuck the exploiters. Let’s stop supporting them. We have the power, as everyday people, to stop these industries. We don’t have to buy from them. Isn’t that powerful—to know we can make a real difference? Is this what we want as humans—to speak out for those who can’t and make a real impact in this world? This exploitation is destroying our hearts, our bodies, our minds, and the planet all at once.

I won’t stop fighting. I can’t look back. Veganism has brought me a great peace in life. I’ve suffered greatly, with PTSD, chronic anxiety, and depression hanging over me, but now I can honestly say that I don’t experience it in that debilitating way anymore.

I can’t scientifically prove that veganism has stopped my constant panic attacks and debilitating anxiety, but I know it has. As an empath, putting suffering and anxiety into my body through meat, dairy, and eggs—what did I expect to happen? My energy-sensitive, empathic body reacted accordingly.

I used to see roadkill and feel their whole journey, all their pain. The panic was crippling. Now, my body and heart spare me from feeling at that intense level. I still feel sadness, but it’s not so overwhelming. Please, stand up, speak out, and make the change. The world needs you to be brave.


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