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Ivory Towers and Humility: Exploring the Phenomenon of Ivy League Entitlement

The notion that individuals who have attended Ivy League schools feel entitled to their opinions about those who have faced struggles is a complex and multifaceted issue. While not all Ivy League alumni exhibit this behavior, some do and it raises questions about privilege, perspective and empathy.

Let's explore the reasons behind this phenomenon and discuss ways to promote humility and understanding among all individuals, regardless of their educational backgrounds.

The Perception of Superiority

One of the reasons why some Ivy League graduates may appear entitled is the perception of superiority associated with these prestigious institutions. Ivy League schools are renowned for their rigorous admissions processes and esteemed faculty, which can lead some alumni to believe they possess a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

This perceived superiority may result in a sense of entitlement regarding their opinions and judgments.

Lack of Exposure

Another factor contributing to this phenomenon is the limited exposure that some Ivy League students have to diverse life experiences during their time in college. Campuses often lack socioeconomic diversity and students may spend their formative years within a homogeneous environment.

This limited exposure can hinder their ability to empathize with those who have faced significant challenges and struggles.

Confirmation Bias

Confirmation bias, the tendency to seek out information that confirms one's preexisting beliefs, can also play a role. Ivy League graduates may be more inclined to interact with individuals who share similar backgrounds and viewpoints, further reinforcing their sense of entitlement.

This echo chamber effect can make it challenging for them to appreciate or understand the struggles of those from different walks of life.

Promoting Humility and Understanding

It is essential to recognize that the phenomenon of Ivy League entitlement is not representative of all alumni from these institutions. Many Ivy League graduates use their education as a platform for positive change, empathy and understanding.

However, addressing entitlement when it arises is crucial. Here are some steps to promote humility and understanding:

Encourage Diversity:

Ivy League institutions should actively seek to diversify their student bodies and create inclusive environments that expose students to a broader range of life experiences.

Emphasize Empathy:

Incorporating empathy-building exercises into the curriculum can help students develop a deeper understanding of the challenges others face.

Open Dialogues:

Promote open and respectful dialogues that encourage individuals to listen to different perspectives, fostering a culture of understanding.

Community Engagement:

Encourage community service and engagement, allowing students to witness and address societal issues firsthand.


Ivy League alumni can mentor students from diverse backgrounds, sharing their knowledge and networks to promote inclusivity.

The perception of entitlement among some Ivy League graduates when it comes to opinions about people who have struggled is a complex issue rooted in various factors.

It is essential to remember that your educational background doesn't define who you are. By actively promoting humility, empathy and understanding, we can bridge divides and create a more inclusive society where everyone's experiences and opinions are valued and respected.


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