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Citrus Fruits

Book & Rebel Writers


Unwritten Notes

Writing feels like therapy,A quiet space where thoughts are freed,I never understood its power,But I think I always needed it indeed.

Music feels like a gentle tide,Washing over the shores of my soul,Each note a balm to wounds inside,Making broken pieces whole.

Words and melodies entwined,Healing in ways I never knew,Together, they soothe my restless mind,And help me see the world anew.

Why does the world feel so lost today,

Amidst the rush and the disarray?

In the hustle of life, where do we stand,

Caught between dreams and the shifting sand?

Technology's blaze, yet hearts feel cold,

In the race for progress, have we lost our hold?

Marc Bali

In the quiet of night, I lie awake,

Thinking about our Earth, the choices we make.

I worry for the forests and the seas so wide,

As we change the world with our human tide.

Will the birds still sing in the morning light?

Will the stars still twinkle in the velvet night?

Victoria Vaughn
Todd Hamilton
Dylan Henley
Marc Bali

I also want to be responsible for this planet and everything in it.


Enjoy this amazing interview with the late Mary Oliver. Love Kristina Tippet's On-Being podcast so very much. Hope you enjoy :-)

Charlotte Swartz
Dylan Henley


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